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Soccer is involved in math because to keep score

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Q: How does soccer involve math?
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Yes many branches of science involve math

What does soccer in Italy involve?

soccer is the same no matter where you go.

How much math goes into soccer?

there really isn't math in soccer you just pass, kick, score. sources: my experience in soccer

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Biology can involve math.

What specific task will a job as a pro soccer player involve?

Playing Soccer

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What specific task will soccer involve?

hard training

What math classes are required in professional soccer?

they use math when they are in the field and they kicking angle

Do I need math to play Soccer?

It can be argued that you DO need to use math to play soccer. For example, it is important to know angles for passing and shooting.

What does math involve?

math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......

What does not involve math AT ALL?

Reading and writing.