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Q: How do stars produce larger and larger atoms?
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How do stars produce larger atoms?

they have a big gland in the middle and it makes more atom

Stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into?

Helium atoms

How star Gemini lives?

Gemini is not a single star but a constellation. Each of the stars in Gemini "lives" through thermonuclear fusion. Atoms of small nucleii are fused together to produce atoms of larger nucleii while releasing energy.

In nuclear fusion what atoms are used to produce helium atoms with larger masses?

In nuclear fusion, atoms of hydrogen isotopes such as deuterium and tritium are used to produce helium atoms with larger masses. The fusion reaction involves the combination of these hydrogen isotopes to form helium, releasing a significant amount of energy in the process.

Do stars produce light?

Yes. The sun is one of many stars, and there are even larger stars than the sun. Our sun is just an average star.

Are hydrogen or oxygen atoms used to produce helium atoms with larger masses in nuclear fusion?

Hydrogen atoms are used to produce helium atoms with larger masses in nuclear fusion. During the fusion process, hydrogen isotopes (such as deuterium and tritium) combine to form helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. Oxygen atoms are not typically involved in nuclear fusion reactions to produce helium.

What is the process called that takes place at the center of the stars?

The process at the center of stars is called nuclear fusion. This is the process where hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form helium, releasing a lot of energy in the form of heat and light.

How do atoms make stars burn?

The enormous heat and pressure at the center of a star causes atoms to fuse together, releasing enormous amounts of energy. Most stars fuse hydrogen, but larger stars that have exhausted the hydrogen in their cores may fuse heavy elements.

What keeps the sun on fire?

The sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium and release energy in the form of light and heat. Gravity within the sun's core keeps the immense pressure and temperature required for fusion to occur, sustaining the sun's fiery state.

The combination of the center of atoms to produce a heavier element is called what?

The combination of the nuclei of atoms to produce a heavier element is called nuclear fusion. This process releases a large amount of energy and is the main source of power in stars like our sun.

Are stars nuclear energy?

Stars produce nuclear energy by fusion Stars form when contracting dust in a planetary nebula contract and get so hot that nuclear fusion occurs. It explodes, forming a porotostar. Nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms combining to form helium atoms is what keeps the star glowing.

When two atoms combine to form a larger atoms its called?

Atomic fussion, which takes place inside stars and fused Hydrogen atoms together to form Helium atoms. Nuclear fusion