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It all depends on type of coordinate system we choose, number line, 2D or 3D.

Think of a number line and take a point P on it. If we move to the right side then we move in positive direction. Say that P is at 3 and it is moved to 5 then difference = 5 - 3 = 2(a positive number), the positive difference, here on number line, tells us that P is moving in positive direction.

And if we move to the left side, say that P is now at -2. Difference = Final position - Initial position = -2 - 5 = -7( a negative number). Difference is negative so we are moving in negative direction.

Think of a point P(-2,-5) in 2D system and it is moved to (-3,-5)[i.e. to the left side]. Difference(only x-coordinate) = -3 - (-2) = -3 + 2 = -1(a negative number).

But here we are not taking y-coordinate into consideration because P is moving parallel to x-axis). So the difference tells us if we are moving in right side or left side.

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Q: How do the coordinates of a point change as the point moves to the right or left?
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