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Q: How do the numbers on the pH scale relate to exponents or powers of ten?
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That sounds like a description of a "slide-rule". When the numbers are spaced by a logarithmic scale, they can be used to perform multiplications due to the fact that when two numbers are represented as powers of the same base number, you can find the product of the two numbers by adding the exponents.

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What are some real life application of exponents and logarithms?

Logarithms are used in the royal navy in sonars They are but it's far wider than that. The application you mean is the "decibel", the 10X or 20X logarithm of the ratio of two signal intensities or powers - not just in military and commercial sonar, but in acoustics generally, and in electrical engineering such as amplifier design. The Richter Scale and the magnitude scale of star brightness are logarithmic. Common and hyperbolic logarithms crop up in many places - the latter control the expansion or compression of gas in an engine or compressor cylinder, for example. Exponents also facilitate handling very large & very small numbers by turning them into multiples of plus or minus powers of 10.

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How do you write 2.83 billion in numbers?

As I use the long scale (based on powers of a million) as used in countries like Europe, I write it as 2,830,000,000,000 Others, however, use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one) as used in countries like USA and write it as: 2,830,000,000

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They both can be divided.

How is the Richter Scale used with connection with exponents?

The Richter Scale is a logarithmic scale that measures the magnitude of earthquakes. Each whole number increase on the Richter Scale represents a tenfold increase in amplitude and approximately 31.6 times more energy release, akin to how exponents increase rapidly with each whole number. This scale allows for easier comparison of earthquake magnitudes by condensing a wide range of values into a more manageable scale.

When you add numbers what do you do to the exponent?

You can only add numbers if they have the same exponent. If not, you need to scale them so that they do. Add the mantissae of the numbers (these are the bits before the exponents). That is followed by the common exponent. For example: 3.1*102 + 3.6*103 = 0.31*103 + 3.6*103 (now the exponents are the same) = (0.31 + 3.6) *103 or 3.91*103 In this particular example, it is easy enough to check the answer: 3.1*100 + 3.6*1000 = 310 + 3600 = 3910 = 3.91*1000 = 3.91*103

How degrees relate to Fahrenheit?

A degree is a step on the Fahrenheit scale.

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Cite and briefly discuss the main determinants of economies of scale.

What is the prime factorization of one billion using exponents?

1 billion {short scale} = 109 = (2*5)9 = 29 * 59 [see related link for short scale and long scale for billion]