weighing scales
In finding the LCM or HCF of two or more numbers
Unless you are an electrical engineer or a math teacher, every number you will ever use in a real world situation will be a real number.
to keep rythm
Use the GCF to reduce fractions. Use the LCM to add and subtract unlike fractions. Carpenters work with fractions a lot.
weighing scales
In finding the LCM or HCF of two or more numbers
Unless you are an electrical engineer or a math teacher, every number you will ever use in a real world situation will be a real number.
Well, since there is no such thing as a sphare in the real world, it is a bit hard to tell what it can or cannot use.
use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world
use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world
Any. They can be integers, rational numbers (the same thing if you multiply out by their LCM), real numbers or even complex numbers.
Finding the LCM will help you add and subtract fractions. Finding the GCF will help you reduce fractions.
you wouldn't