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That all depends on the angles between the vector and the components.

The only things you can say for sure are:

-- none of the components can be greater than the size of the vector

-- the sum of the squares of the components is equal to the square of the size of the vector

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Q: How do vector components compare in size to the vector from which they came?
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What two components does a vector contain?

A magnitude (size) and a direction.

What is a size of a velocity vector?

The size of a velocity vector is its magnitude, which represents the speed of the object and in which direction it is moving. It is a scalar quantity that is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the vector's components in each dimension.

What two vectors does a vector have?

A vector has both magnitude (the size or length of the vector) and direction. These two characteristics define a vector and differentiate it from a scalar, which only has magnitude.

What number is the length of a vector?

The length of a vector is a scalar quantity, typically denoted as a positive real number, that represents the magnitude or size of the vector. It is calculated using the vector's components in a coordinate system, often with the Pythagorean theorem.

The length of a vector indicates the magnitude of the vector.?

Yes, the length of a vector, also known as its magnitude or norm, represents the size or extent of the vector in space. It is calculated using mathematical formulas that involve the components of the vector. A vector with greater length denotes a larger magnitude in comparison to a vector with a smaller length.

What does vector's member size() do?

The vector size() member returns the current size of the vector, in elements.

When the component of vector have equal in magnitude?

When the components of a vector have equal magnitudes, it means they are equal in size or length. This could happen in situations where the vector is divided equally in two perpendicular directions, resulting in components that are the same length.

What items must be stated to specify to a vector quantity completely?

To specify a vector quantity completely, you must state its magnitude (size), direction (specific orientation in space), and the coordinate system in which it is defined. Additionally, for 3-dimensional vectors, you may need to specify its components along the x, y, and z axes.

A direction a vector is drawn indicates the magnitude of the vector?

No. The size of the size of the vector drawn indicates the magnitude.

What is needed to describe a vector qauntity?

To describe a vector quantity, you need both magnitude (size) and direction. This information can be represented using components along different axes or as a magnitude and an angle relative to a reference direction.

What is the components of a vector?

Its either reality based (vertical is up-down, horizontal is ground distance) or it's purely arbitrary.

How is vector quantity described numerically?

Vector quantities are described numerically using both magnitude (size) and direction. This is typically done by providing the magnitude of the vector followed by an angle representing its direction, or by breaking the vector into its components along the x, y, and z axes. Another method involves using unit vectors to represent direction and scaling them by the magnitude of the vector.