

Best Answer

Hit the second button, then '5'.

Hit '4' twice so the entry box reads "rref("

Enter your matrix in the form:


Where each set of letters in a bracket coresponds to a rox of your matrix, for example:

| a b c |

| d e f |

| g h i |

would be entered as


Finally close the parenthesis and hit 'enter'.

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Q: How do you Row reduce a matrix with a TI-89?
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What is a reduced matrix?

Reduced matrix is a matrix where the elements of the matrix is reduced by eliminating the elements in the row which its aim is to make an identity matrix.

What are the elementry matrices?

An elementary matrix is a matrix obtained from the identity matrix following one of the following row operations:Swap 2 rows;Multiply any row by a non-zero constant;Replace a row by the sum of itself and a non-zero multiple of another row.

C program to perform addition of matrices using functions?

#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<vector> #include<string> #include<sstream> using namespace std; const unsigned width = 4; const unsigned height = 3; class matrix { private: vector< vector<unsigned> > m_data; string m_title; public: matrix(string title=""): m_data(height, vector<unsigned>(width)), m_title(title) {} matrix(const matrix& copy): m_data(copy.m_data), m_title(copy.m_title) {} matrix& operator=(matrix rhs) { // Note: assignment does not overwrite the matrix title. for(unsigned row=0; row<height; ++row) for(unsigned col=0; col<width; ++col) operator[](row)[col]=rhs[row][col]; return(*this); } vector<unsigned>& operator[](const unsigned index){return(m_data[index]);} void set_title(const string title){ m_title = title; } string& get_title(){return(m_title);} void show() { cout<<m_title<<'\n'<<endl; for(unsigned row=0; row<height; ++row) { for(unsigned col=0; col<width; ++col) cout<<setw(7)<<(*this)[row][col]; cout<<endl; } cout<<endl; } matrix& operator+=(matrix rhs) { for(unsigned row=0; row<height; ++row) for(unsigned col=0; col<width; ++col) (*this)[row][col]+=rhs[row][col]; return(*this); } matrix operator+(matrix rhs) { matrix result(m_title+" + "+rhs.m_title); for(unsigned row=0; row<height; ++row) for(unsigned col=0; col<width; ++col) result[row][col]=(*this)[row][col]+rhs[row][col]; return(result); } matrix& operator-=(matrix rhs) { for(unsigned row=0; row<height; ++row) for(unsigned col=0; col<width; ++col) (*this)[row][col]-=rhs[row][col]; return(*this); } matrix operator-(matrix rhs) { matrix result(m_title+" - "+rhs.m_title); for(unsigned row=0; row<height; ++row) for(unsigned col=0; col<width; ++col) result[row][col]=operator[](row)[col]-rhs[row][col]; return(result); } }; unsigned input_num (std::string prompt) { unsigned id = 0; while (1) { cout<<prompt<<": "; string input=""; getline (cin, input); stringstream ss (input); if (ss>>id) break; cout<<"Invalid input.\n"; } return (id); } void initialise(matrix& m) { for(unsigned row=0; row<height; ++row) { for(unsigned col=0; col<width; ++col) { stringstream ss; ss<<"Enter a value for "<<m.get_title()<<'['<<row<<"]["<<col<<']'; m[row][col]=input_num(ss.str()); } } cout<<endl; } int main() { matrix matrix_1("matrix_1"); initialise(matrix_1);; matrix matrix_2("matrix_2"); initialise(matrix_2);; matrix matrix_3 = matrix_1 + matrix_2;; matrix matrix_4 = matrix_3 - matrix_2;; }

How do you solve 4 equation with 4 unknows?

Create a matrix of the coefficients of each equation. The solutions to the equations should make up the rightmost column of the matrix. Then, row reduce the matrix until you are able to rewrite the equations and solve them. The matrix should be a 4x5 matrix (4 rows and 5 columns) for four equations with four variables. This is known as a system of equations.

How to construct a matrix with 23 elements?

It will either be a 1*23 row matrix or a 23*1 column matrix.

Write a c plus plus program that calculate the matrix of three by three addition?

#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<time.h> template<const size_t R, const size_t C> class Matrix { public: using row_type = int[C]; private: // attributes int m_data[R][C]; public: // construction/assignment Matrix (); Matrix (const Matrix& source); Matrix (Matrix&& source); Matrix& operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source); Matrix& operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source); ~Matrix () {} public: // accessors row_type& row (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; } const row_type& row (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; } row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; } const row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; } size_t size() const { return R * C; } size_t rows() const { return R; } size_t cols() const { return C; } public: // operations Matrix<R,C>& operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>&); }; template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix() { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = 0; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(const Matrix<R,C>& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col]; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(Matrix<R,C>&& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]); } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]); return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] += rhs.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C> operator+ (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { Matrix<R,C> sum (lhs); return sum += rhs; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix<R,C>& m) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) { for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) { std::cout << m[row][col] << '\t'; } std::cout << std::endl; } return os; } int main() { srand ((unsigned)time(nullptr)); const size_t rows = 3; const size_t cols = 3; Matrix<rows, cols> a, b, c; for (size_t row=0; row<rows; ++row) { for (size_t col=0; col<cols; ++col) { a[row][col] = rand() % 10; b[row][col] = rand() % 10; } } std::cout << "Matrix a:\n\n" << a << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix b:\n\n" << b << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix a + b:\n\n" << a + b << '\n' << std::endl; }

Show that for a square matrix the linear dependence of the row vectors implies that of the column vectors and conversely.?


Perform addition multiplication subtraction of 2-D array using Operator Overloading in C plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<random> template<const size_t R, const size_t C> class Matrix { public: using row_type = int[C]; private: // attributes int m_data[R][C]; public: // construction/assignment Matrix (); Matrix (const Matrix& source); Matrix (Matrix&& source); Matrix& operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source); Matrix& operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source); ~Matrix () {} public: // accessors row_type& row (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; } const row_type& row (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; } row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; } const row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; } size_t size() const { return R * C; } size_t rows() const { return R; } size_t cols() const { return C; } public: // operations Matrix<R,C>& operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>&); Matrix<R,C>& operator-= (const Matrix<R,C>&); }; template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix() { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = 0; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(const Matrix<R,C>& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col]; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(Matrix<R,C>&& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]); } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]); return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] += rhs.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator-= (const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] -= rhs.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C> operator+ (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { Matrix<R,C> sum (lhs); return sum += rhs; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C> operator- (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { Matrix<R,C> sub (lhs); return sub -= rhs; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C, const size_t R1, const size_t C1> Matrix<R,C1> operator* (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R1,C1>& rhs) { static_assert (C==R1, "Matrix dimension mismatch!"); Matrix<R,C1> mul; for (size_t x=0; x!=R; ++x) { for (size_t y=0; y!=C1; ++y) { int prod = 0; for (size_t z=0; z!=C; ++z) { prod += lhs[x][z] * rhs[z][y]; } mul[x][y] = prod; } } return mul; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix<R,C>& m) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) { for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) { std::cout << m[row][col] << '\t'; } std::cout << std::endl; } return os; } int main() { std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution (1,9); const size_t rows = 2; const size_t cols = 3; Matrix<rows, cols> a, b; for (size_t row=0; row<rows; ++row) { for (size_t col=0; col<cols; ++col) { a[row][col] = distribution (generator); b[row][col] = distribution (generator); } } std::cout << "Matrix a:\n\n" << a << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix b:\n\n" << b << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix a + b:\n\n" << a + b << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix a - b:\n\n" << a - b << '\n' << std::endl; Matrix<cols, rows> c; for (size_t row=0; row<rows; ++row) { for (size_t col=0; col<cols; ++col) { c[col][row] = distribution (generator); } } std::cout << "Matrix c:\n\n" << c << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix a * c:\n\n" << a * c << '\n' << std::endl; }

What is a 1x2 matrix?

It is a matrix with 1 row and two columns: something like (x, y).

Does doing row operations of a matrix change its determinant?


Does doing row operations on a matrix change its determinant?


Write a program in C plus plus to accept the order of two matrices check the possibility of multiplication and perform the multiplication?

#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<random> template<const size_t R, const size_t C> class Matrix { public: using row_type = int[C]; private: // attributes int m_data[R][C]; public: // construction/assignment Matrix (); Matrix (const Matrix& source); Matrix (Matrix&& source); Matrix& operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source); Matrix& operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source); ~Matrix () {} public: // accessors row_type& row (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; } const row_type& row (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; } row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; } const row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; } size_t size() const { return R * C; } size_t rows() const { return R; } size_t cols() const { return C; } void randomise(std::uniform_int_distribution<int>& distribution, std::default_random_engine& generator); public: // operations Matrix<R,C>& operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>&); Matrix<R,C>& operator-= (const Matrix<R,C>&); }; template<const size_t R, const size_t C> void Matrix<R,C>::randomise(std::uniform_int_distribution<int>& distribution, std::default_random_engine& generator) { for (size_t row=0; row!=R; ++row) { for (size_t col=0; col!=C; ++col) { m_data[row][col] = distribution (generator); } } } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix() { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = 0; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(const Matrix<R,C>& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col]; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(Matrix<R,C>&& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]); } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]); return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] += rhs.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator-= (const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) m_data[row][col] -= rhs.m_data[row][col]; return *this; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C> operator+ (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { Matrix<R,C> sum (lhs); return sum += rhs; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> Matrix<R,C> operator- (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R,C>& rhs) { Matrix<R,C> sub (lhs); return sub -= rhs; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C, const size_t R1, const size_t C1> Matrix<R,C1> operator* (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R1,C1>& rhs) { static_assert (C==R1, "Matrix dimension mismatch!"); Matrix<R,C1> mul; for (size_t x=0; x!=R; ++x) { for (size_t y=0; y!=C1; ++y) { int prod = 0; for (size_t z=0; z!=C; ++z) { prod += lhs[x][z] * rhs[z][y]; } mul[x][y] = prod; } } return mul; } template<const size_t R, const size_t C> std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix<R,C>& m) { for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row) { for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col) { std::cout << m[row][col] << '\t'; } std::cout << std::endl; } return os; } int main() { std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution (1,9); const size_t rows = 2; const size_t cols = 3; Matrix<rows, cols> a, b; a.randomise (distribution, generator); b.randomise (distribution, generator); std::cout << "Matrix a:\n\n" << a << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix b:\n\n" << b << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix a + b:\n\n" << a + b << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix a - b:\n\n" << a - b << '\n' << std::endl; Matrix<cols, rows> c; c.randomise (distribution, generator); std::cout << "Matrix c:\n\n" << c << '\n' << std::endl; std::cout << "Matrix a * c:\n\n" << a * c << '\n' << std::endl; }