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Q: Is every square matrix is a product of elementary matrices explain?
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No, it is not.

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Explain the matrix approach to product planning?

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What are the advantages of Identity matrix?

If the product of two matrices is an identity matrix then, one matrix is inverse of the other. i.e. AB = I then, A = B-1 and B = A-1Inverse of matrix can be found by using these two results:A = AI and A = IA.By using these results inverse of a matrix can be found by applying same elementary row or column operation on both sides. A on R.H.S. remains as it is.

What is the Product of two Matrices?

The product of a p x q and a r x s matrix is defined only if q = r and, if so, it is a p x s matrix.

If the product of two matrices is the identity matrix they are?

If the product of two matrices is the identity matrix then one matrix is the inverse or reciprocal of the other matrix. EXAMPLE A =(4 1) A-1 = (0.3 -0.1) then AA-1 = (1 0) .....(2 3)......... (-0.2 0.4)................... (1 1) The dots simply maintain the spacing and serve no other purpose.

What is the singular form of matrices?

The singular form of matrices is matrix.

How do you describe a product matrix without multiplying?

You can indicate the multiplication with a multiplication sign. If your matrices are "A" and "B", the product is: A x B In other words, you are indicating the product, but not actually carrying out any multiplication. Anybody who understands about matrices should know what this refers to.

What is the determinant rank of the determinant of 123456 its a 2 x 3 matrix?

A determinant is defined only for square matrices, so a 2x3 matrix does not have a determinant.Determinants are defined only for square matrices, so a 2x3 matrix does not have a determinant.

The rank of product of two matrices cannot exceed the rank of either factor?

The statement that the rank of product of two matrices cannot exceed the rank of either factor is a true statement. The rank of a matrix is the largest number of linearly independent rows or columns. The column rank is equal to the row rank in every matrix.

How convert singular matrix in to non singular?

The plural of matrix is matrices.

Can a nonsquare matrix be a triangular matrix?

No. Only square matrices can be triangular.