8 / 12
2/3 = 8/12
Convert to a common denominator (in this case 12), then do the subtraction.
To get the fraction with a denominator of 18 that is equivalent to 2/3, multiply 2/3 by 6/6:= 2/3 * 6/6= 12/18
the lowest common denominator (LCD) is 12
12 is a common denominator.
8 12
It is 8/12.
8 / 12
Two thirds and three fourths can be renamed as fractions with 12 of the denominator as 8/12 and 9/12 respectively. The sum of the renamed fractions as a mixed number is 1 5/12.
9/12 and 8/12
2/3 = 8/12
Convert to a common denominator (in this case 12), then do the subtraction.
2/3 and 3/4 Least Common Denominator is 12
To get the fraction with a denominator of 18 that is equivalent to 2/3, multiply 2/3 by 6/6:= 2/3 * 6/6= 12/18
the lowest common denominator (LCD) is 12