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Q: How do you add in babylonian number system?
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When was the babylonian number system created?

This base 60 number system was used in 1800b.c

What is the rule of the Babylonian number system?

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How do you write 78 in babylonian?

Babylonian used the sexadecimal system which has 60 as the base number but they also wrote the number in the cuneiform writing system wich I posted it in the related links below.

What is the difference between Hindu-Arabic and Babylonian number systems?

Hindu-Arabic is our current number system while Babylonian numbers are an ancient number system which uses base 60 and uses only two symbols.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the babylonian number system?

search it your own self

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the babylonian system?

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Does the Babylonian number system use place value?

I need help with that Question too

What is the difference between Babylonian number system and Hindu Arabic number system?

the kind of symbols they have i think lol :P good luck on that one!

When did the Babylonian Number system Start?

The Babylonian number system is believed to have started around 1800 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia, which is present-day Iraq. It was developed by the Babylonians, who were skilled mathematicians and astronomers. The system used a base-60 numeral system and had a significant influence on subsequent mathematical systems.

How convenient was Babylonian number system?

They the Sexagesimal number system. It means that it has a numeral system with sixty as its base. We used the decimal system with ten as its base. The system was convenient back then but I would not change our decimal system for the sexagesimal.

Which number is special to the babylonians?

The number system they used back them is the sexagesimal system. Our system has 10 digits from 0 to 9. So they used a system with 60 digits. That's why it is called a sexagesimal system. So make that a 60 for the Babylonian number.