just find a common denominator and add the two numerators together then add the whole numbers
Change them into mixed numbers and add the integers and fractions together ensuring that the fractions have a common denominator.
you have to add
You can either add the fractional parts and, if required, convert the answer to a mixed fraction and then add the integer part to the integer parts of the two original numbers; or change both numbers to top-heavy (or improper) fractions, add them and then convert the answer to a mixed fraction.
It requires you to add the numbers together.
You can always do that.
Change them into mixed numbers and add the integers and fractions together ensuring that the fractions have a common denominator.
To add the numbers together is the sum!!!! to add the numbers together is the sum!!!!
Its when you add all the numbers together
you have to add
You can either add the fractional parts and, if required, convert the answer to a mixed fraction and then add the integer part to the integer parts of the two original numbers; or change both numbers to top-heavy (or improper) fractions, add them and then convert the answer to a mixed fraction.
It requires you to add the numbers together.
when you add mixed numbers you have a whole number but adding fraction does not.
You can always do that.
To add mixed numbers and whole numbers, you simply treat the mixed numbers like they are whole numbers (4 3/4) turns to (4), then add the regular whole number, say, 7, and then re-add the fraction. For example, if you were adding 4 3/4 and 7, you would change 4 3/4 to 4, add 7 to get 11, then add the 3/4 back in, to give you 11 3/4.
To find the sum of two mixed numbers, turn the mixed numbers into improper fractions (multiply the base with the denominator and add the numerator), then add the two fractions. To add the two fractions, find the LCD (lowest common denominator) and add the two numerators, but leave the denominators the same.
Make it into an both numbers an improper fraction and then do the opperation.
When you add two (or any number of) numbers together, the result is called the sum.