In the same way as you estimate them for whole numbers.
The basic idea is the same as when you estimate sums and differences of larger numbers (which may or may not be integers). You round the numbers to one or two decimal digits, then add them up.
Convert them to improper fractions and proceed.
Difference between the sum of the squares and the square of the sums of n numbers?Read more:Difference_between_the_sum_of_the_squares_and_the_square_of_the_sums_of_n_numbers
I think you round it to the nearest whole number...
In the same way as you estimate them for whole numbers.
The basic idea is the same as when you estimate sums and differences of larger numbers (which may or may not be integers). You round the numbers to one or two decimal digits, then add them up.
it would not be a good time to estimate mixed numbers is when both of the fractions are not a mixed number
When doing sums with mixed numbers, it is often easier to convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions, do the sum and convert any resulting improper fraction back to a mixed number. This is especially true of division, but with subtraction, if the fraction part of the second mixed number is larger than the fraction part of the first mixed number (subtracting the second from the first), this will result in requiring borrowing from the whole number of the first mixed number. Using improper fractions avoids this complication and makes all sums easier.
you can make at least 25 sums
Convert them to improper fractions and proceed.
Difference between the sum of the squares and the square of the sums of n numbers?Read more:Difference_between_the_sum_of_the_squares_and_the_square_of_the_sums_of_n_numbers
Infinitely many. 12+11, 13+10, 14+9, ... , 22+1, 23+0, 24+(-1), 25+(-2), ... and then you have sums with numbers to one decimal place (dp) such as 11.6+11.4, and so on. Not forgetting numbers to 2 dp, 3, dp, 4, dp, ... , infinitely many dp. But these are only sums of two numbers. There are sums of 3 numbers, 4 numbers, ... infinitely many.
I think you round it to the nearest whole number...
average function