If you are talking about adding percentages to a number then you firstly convert the percentage of a number to a whole number or decimal number and then add it to the original number.
Multiply the number by 1.7
Divide the number by 100 and then multiply the answer by 5. add the number with the answer.
Multiply by 1.2
To convert a number into a percent you multiply the number and add a percent symbol. So 1.562 would be 156.2%
Total number * 1.25
To add 17.5 percent to a number, multiply the number by 1.175. For example, 200 plus 17.5 percent is equal to 200 x 1.175 = 235.
To add 20 percent to a number, multiply the number by 1.2. For example, adding 20 percent to 50 gives 50 x 1.2 = 60.
Multiply the number by 100 and add a percent symbol.
Multiply the number by 1.7
The number multiplied by 1.25
Divide the number by 100 and then multiply the answer by 5. add the number with the answer.
Multiply by 1.2
To convert a number into a percent you multiply the number and add a percent symbol. So 1.562 would be 156.2%
approximately 1695
Total number * 1.25
You multiply the percent ( so 40% = .4) by the number then add the product to the original number.
Multiply the number you are increasing by 0.39 then add the result to your number.