This question is too general so here is what I think you're asking: -5-7 = -(5+7) = -12 A negative minus a negative
The opposite of add is subtract.
The opposite of x is -x.For example,the opposite of three is -3.The opposite of a negative number is positive.Fore example,the opposite of -7 is 7.
say u r doing division the inverse, opposite, would be multiplacation, same with add and subtract. Hope That Helps, RJ
You add and then solve the math
The opposite of dilation in math is contraction
Addition will add in math
actually add up people get up do something math people don't you know what math dahh that's why we have school add!add!add!add!add!math!math!math!MA
The opposite of add is subtract.
When you are talking about opposites, or inverses; we know that for everything there is an opposite to that particular "thing". As in happy opposite of happy would be sad, opposite of tall would be short, opposite of high would be low. Math has these type of opposites as well, for example, opposite of addition is subtraction, opposite of multiplication is division. So when you think of negative numbers there opposite would be positive. what is the opposite of a negative person? A positive person. Math works kind of the same way, if you want to cancel a number out to get zero or take its additive inverse you would add its opposite. for example, the number 6 we want to find its opposite to get an overall value of zero what do we have to add to "6" to get zero? We would have to add -6 (negative 6) or its opposite. 6+ (-6)= 0 or 6-6=0 I hope this explanation helps a bit!
you add when you do math
The opposite of x is -x.For example,the opposite of three is -3.The opposite of a negative number is positive.Fore example,the opposite of -7 is 7.
The opposite of the word 'pitiful' is 'fortunate'.
'The root of'
Difficult......But it is the SUM when you add