When you are talking about opposites, or inverses; we know that for everything there is an opposite to that particular "thing". As in happy opposite of happy would be sad,
opposite of tall would be short, opposite of high would be low. Math has these type of opposites as well, for example, opposite of addition is subtraction, opposite of multiplication is division.
So when you think of negative numbers there opposite would be positive. what is the opposite of a negative person? A positive person.
Math works kind of the same way, if you want to cancel a number out to get zero or take its additive inverse you would add its opposite.
for example, the number 6 we want to find its opposite to get an overall value of zero what do we have to add to "6" to get zero? We would have to add -6 (negative 6) or its opposite.
6+ (-6)= 0 or 6-6=0
I hope this explanation helps a bit!
No. The product of two opposite numbers is always negative. Negative x positive = negative and Positive x negative = negative
positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive negative x positive = negative
A negative number is the opposite of a positive number. If a positive number measures the money you have, then a negative number measures the money you owe. If you multiply two negative numbers together, you are getting the opposite of an opposite. One negative negates the other, leaving you with a positive.
A negative number is an opposite or reversal of a positive number. For example, if a million dollars is a lot of money to have, then it is also true that a million dollars is a lot of money to owe. If you reverse something twice, you return to the original state. So a negative times a negative (or a negative divided by a negative) is a positive. The opposite of the opposite is the original.
The additive opposite is negative 8 (-8). Absolute values are always positive numbers.
No. The product of two opposite numbers is always negative. Negative x positive = negative and Positive x negative = negative
positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive negative x positive = negative
Any positive numbers opposite is the same number just as a negative.
The opposite of negative is positive. In mathematics, the term "negative" refers to numbers less than zero, while "positive" refers to numbers greater than zero. These terms are used to describe the direction or sign of a number on the number line.
When you multiply any number by a negative number you reverse its sign. So positive numbers become negative, and negative numbers become positive. That is the meaning of negative multiplication; it is reversal. This is similar to the way that adding a negative number has the same effect as subtracting a positive number. Negative is the opposite of positive.
If two numbers have the same sign, their product is positive. If two numbers have opposite signs, their product is negative. So the answer is 'yes'.
all numbers are whole numbers. anything from 0-infinity. a numbers opposite is its negative or positive. so 7's opposite is -7
IN statistics yes there is a negative mean. Mean is the average of multiple numbers. Negative is opposite of positive.
A negative number is the opposite of a positive number. If a positive number measures the money you have, then a negative number measures the money you owe. If you multiply two negative numbers together, you are getting the opposite of an opposite. One negative negates the other, leaving you with a positive.
Positive numbers are any numbers greater than zero.For example: 1, 2.9, 3.14159, 40000, and 0.0005.Negative numbers are any number less than zero.For Example: -1, -2.9, -3.14159, -40000, and -0.0005.For each positive number, there is a negative number that is its opposite. We write the opposite of a positive number with a negative or minus sign in front of the number, and call these numbers negative numbers.We do not consider zero to be a positive or negative number.The sum of any number and its (negative) opposite is 0.The sign of a number refers to whether the number is positive or negative.For example: The sign of -3.2 is negative, and the sign of 442 is positive.We may also write positive and negative numbers as fractions or mixed numbers.
Taking the reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) does not affect the positive or negative status of an integer. So the reciprocal of a negative number is negative and the reciprocal of a positive number is positive. The reciprocals will be opposites (positive/negative) just as the original numbers were.