Providing all the denominators are the same just add together the numerators
otherwise find the lowest common denominator and alter the fractions accordingly
An infinite number of combinations of fractions can be aded together to equal three fourths.
A common denominator is 32.
-- Find a common denominator. (It will be a number of which all three denominators are factors. The best choice is their least common multiple.) -- Change the fractions to their equivalents with the common denominator. -- Then add their numerators to get the numerator of their sum.
In fractions, you can NEVER add or subtract
Change them into mixed numbers and add the integers and fractions together ensuring that the fractions have a common denominator.
When you want to add fractions that have different denominators, you have to convert them into fractions that do have the same denominators. So for example, how much is a half plus a third? Both of these can be converted into sixths, so one half equals three sixths, and one third equals two sixths. Three sixths plus two sixths equals five sixths. That's the answer. If you have three fractions with different denominators, the procedure is the same. Convert all three into fractions with the same denominators, then add them.
An infinite number of combinations of fractions can be aded together to equal three fourths.
A common denominator is 32.
find a common denominator for all three and then add all of the numerators together and keep the same denominator
1/4 + 2/4
-- Find a common denominator. (It will be a number of which all three denominators are factors. The best choice is their least common multiple.) -- Change the fractions to their equivalents with the common denominator. -- Then add their numerators to get the numerator of their sum.
it stay the same when you subtract fractions and when you add fractions.
Fractions! Otherwise you don't have anything to add.
In fractions, you can NEVER add or subtract
irregular fractions! ex. if the equation is 2 3/4, you would multiply 2*4, then add three. that is your numerator, denominator will stay the same. it will =11/4
The denominators are different, so find the equivalent fractions using the LCD , then add the fractions with the denominators.