There are many selection tools in Photoshop including Color Range. For Tools take a look at Options Bar and move arround icons until you see pop-up tooltip Subtract from selection, then press that icon.
The opposite of add is subtract.
You add or subtract only the numerators
By the signs: 2+2(Add) 2-2(Subtract) +=add -=subtract
you add
To add to the current selection, hold down SHIFT and make the selection.. To subtract from the current selection, hold down ALT and make the selection..
Add to allows you to select area which will be added to selection (already selected area) and subtract is opposite: allows you to subtract portion from already selected area.
wich one
does how many mean add or subtract
The opposite of add is subtract.
it means to subtract
You add or subtract only the numerators
deposit = add withdraw = subtract
When you add, your answer is the sum.When you subtract, your answer is the difference.
You have to add the additive inverse. To subtract q, you add -q.
By the signs: 2+2(Add) 2-2(Subtract) +=add -=subtract