Subtracting a fraction is the same as adding its negative.
If their denominators are different then find their lowest common denominator by means of their lowest common multiple remembering to adjust their numerators accordingly before adding or subtracting.
adding a negative
similar fraction is the same denominator and dissimilar fraction is cannot the same denominators
To solve a Dissimilar Fraction,you must change the denominator to a similar fraction then proceed with the Adding/Subtracting Dissimilar Fraction...
Subtracting a fraction is the same as adding its negative.
For adding or substracting fractions first of all we should calculate the LCM( Lowest Common Multiplier) of the denominators in both of the fractions.
If their denominators are different then find their lowest common denominator by means of their lowest common multiple remembering to adjust their numerators accordingly before adding or subtracting.
adding a negative
adding a negative
Why is it important to simplify radical expressions before adding or subtracting? How is adding radical expressions similar to adding polynomial expressions? How is it different? Provide a radical expression for your classmates to simplify..
Used for adding dissimilar fractions
Subtracting two positive fractional numbers, or adding one positive and one negative integer.
The opposite of dissimilar is similar.
Similar means the same or alike, and dissimilar is the opposite of similar.
Dissimilar means not alike or different. The prefix DIS means NOT, and SIMILAR is, well, similar.