The simplest would be to put the numbers into an int[] (integer array) and pass that to java.util.Arrays.sort(int[]) (a static method), which will sort the array in ascending numerical order. Use a float[] or double[] if you need to sort non-whole numbers. You can also use the Collections.sort(List) method to sort the List directly. Or the Collections.sort(List, Comparator) if you wish to specify your own sorting criteria.
Numeric array has numbers(+integers) that represent the values Associative array has strings that represent the values
An array of numbers is used in mathematical problems.
To find the median of an array of numbers, first, arrange the numbers in ascending order. If the array has an odd number of elements, the median is the middle number. If the array has an even number of elements, the median is the average of the two middle numbers.
Sort the array then traverse the array, printing the element values as you go.
To implement the keyword "sorting" in pseudo code to arrange the elements of an array a of integers in ascending order, you can use the following algorithm: Start by iterating through the array a from the first element to the second-to-last element. Compare each element with the next element in the array. If the current element is greater than the next element, swap their positions. Continue this process until the entire array is sorted in ascending order. Here is a simple example of pseudo code for implementing the sorting algorithm: for i from 0 to length(a) - 1 do for j from 0 to length(a) - i - 1 do if aj aj 1 then swap(aj, aj 1) end if end for end for This pseudo code represents a basic implementation of a sorting algorithm to arrange the elements of an array in ascending order.
One efficient way to find the median of an unsorted array of numbers is to first sort the array in either ascending or descending order, then determine the middle value as the median.
To write a C++ program to display the student details using class and array of object.
To find the kth smallest number in an unsorted array, you can use a sorting algorithm like quicksort or heapsort to arrange the array in ascending order. Then, you can simply access the kth element in the sorted array to find the kth smallest number. This process ensures that the kth smallest number is easily identified and retrieved from the array.
The median of two sorted arrays when combined into a single sorted array is the middle value when all the numbers are arranged in ascending order.
Using sorted(array,reverse=True)
The value of the kth smallest element in the array is the kth element when the array is sorted in ascending order.
#include "stdio.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE 10 void fill(float* array, int size); void spill(float* array, int size, char* delimiter); void bubble_sort(float* array, int size); void reverse(float* array, int size); void swap(float* a, float* b); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { float numbers[ARRAY_SIZE]; fill(numbers, ARRAY_SIZE); bubble_sort(numbers, ARRAY_SIZE); spill(numbers, ARRAY_SIZE, " "); reverse(numbers, ARRAY_SIZE); spill(numbers, ARRAY_SIZE, " "); return 0; } void fill(float* array, int size) { int i = 0; while (i < size) fscanf(stdin, "%f", array + (i++)); } void spill(float* array, int size, char* delimiter) { int i = 0; while (i < size) fprintf(stdout, "%f%s", array[i++], delimiter); fputc('\n', stdout); } void bubble_sort(float* array, int size) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) for (j = i; j < size; j++) if (array[i] > array[j]) swap(array + i, array + j); } void reverse(float* array, int size) { int i; for (i = size / 2; i >= 0; i--) swap(array + i, array + (size - (i + 1))); } void swap(float* a, float* b) { float c = *a; *a = *b; *b = c; } fill gets the numbers from input spill sends them to output bubble sort will sort the array in ascending order reverse will reverse the list so that it is in descending order swap is used to swap two floats You can change float to double or int depending on which datatype you want to use.
the following program will display all numbers given in the array in ascending order #include<stdio.h> void main() { int i,h,p; int numbers[10]={5,8,3,2,6,7,9,4,1,10}; for(p=0;p<=8;p=p+1) { for(i=0;i<=8;i=i+1) { if(numbers[i]>numbers[i+1]) { a=numbers[i]; numbers[i]=numbers[i+1]; numbers[i+1]=a; } } } for(i=0;i<=9;i=i+1) { printf("%d ",numbers[i]); } }