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a square of 3 by 3, if you can have rows which go side to side and up to down

x x x 1

x x x 2

x x x 3

4 5 6

technically the last three would be columns, but it's a trick question really.

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Q: How do you arrange 9 coins in 6 rows with 3 in each row?
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oooo arrange them in a triangle shape, four coins each side. o o oo o

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5 coins, 2 rows of 3 coins in each. ! simple.. just arrange the 5coins like a PLUS(+) symbol . hence, u got 2rows(1-horizontal row and 1-vertical row) intersected in the middle..! then place the 4coins at the corner of the two rows and 5th coin in the middle intersected point of that 2rows..! that's it..!!!

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Draw a regular five-pointed star. Place a coin at each of the points and each of the intersections.

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Four ways:1 row with 6 in each row.2 rows with 3 in each row.3 rows with 2 in each row.6 rows with 1 in each row.

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by 2 rows

Can you arrange 9 coins in at least 10 rows with 3 coins in each row?

Yes it is possible!O.........O.........O.....O....O....OO.........O.........OFind the 10 Rows - trust me they are there!(The dots are only there as place markers)

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You could make an L shape out of three coins, and place the fourth on the corner. That way there are three coins up and three across.

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Arrange them in the shape of a square with 4 on the left, 4 on the right, 4 across the top, and 4 across the bottom. The coin in each corner counts as a member of two edges. Each edge has 4 coins in it, and there are a total of 12 coins all around the square.

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19 plants in 9 row

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Two ways only. 4 rows with 25 stamps each or 5 rows with 20 stamps each.