You can turn all of them into decimals. If it is an infinite decimal, you can get a common denominator.
You first convert them into equivalent fractions with the same denominator.
Listing the fractions is ascending (or descending) order.
1. change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the L.C.D or the least common denominator. 2. add the whole numbers and write down the given denominator. 3. reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.
It's impossible to list all fractions, because there are no least or greatest fractions. In addition, between any two fractions, there's another fraction (for example, the average of the two functions).
You can turn all of them into decimals. If it is an infinite decimal, you can get a common denominator.
You first convert them into equivalent fractions with the same denominator.
You can compare similar fractions by looking at their numerators. You can compare dissimilar fractions by converting them to similar fractions and looking at their numerators. You can convert a dissimilar fraction to a similar fraction by finding the least common denominator.
Greatest on a list of proper fractions, least on a list of improper fractions.
5/9, 7/12, 3/4
arrange the set of number in order from least to greatest and the middle number is the median. You have to arrange them in order from least to greatest or it's wrong. (or greatest to least)
Listing the fractions is ascending (or descending) order.
Get each fraction to have a common denominator, and then sort the fractions from least to greatest based on the numerators.
you have to compare the common fractions
1. change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the L.C.D or the least common denominator. 2. add the whole numbers and write down the given denominator. 3. reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.
It's impossible to list all fractions, because there are no least or greatest fractions. In addition, between any two fractions, there's another fraction (for example, the average of the two functions).