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Q: How do you calculate a sand pile?
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How many sand particles you have to remove from the pile of sand containing 1000 sand particles until the pile of sand is no longer a pile of sand?

A "pile" is not a mathematically validated standard measure of volume.remove all till 1 and it will no longer be a pile.a pile of books contains 2 or more books

What is a group of sand called?

A single 'piece' of sand is called a 'grain'.

What do you call a big pile of sand in deserts?

Sand Dune

What does 50 grams of sand look like?

a pile of sand

What is a big pile of sand called?


Its a big pile of sand?

yes, it is.

What is a big pile of sand?


What happens when you blow on sand in a pile?

Blowing on a pile of sand will displace grains of sand. How much sand you move and how far will depend on the sand and how hard you blow on it. If it's wet sand, the force of the air you expel won't do much, but if it's dry sand and you're close and use a big breath, you'll get a lot of action.

What is a sand dune in a quick description?

A sand dune is a pile of wind-blown sand.

What is the definition a sand dune?

A loose pile of wind-blown sand.

What do you call a big pile of sand?

A big pile of sand is called a dune. There are dunes on beaches around the world, as well as in some deserts.

Where are the eggs Petpet Park?

in a pile of hay in the barn ,and in a pile of sand in the beach place.