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In order to walk from 15 below ground to 45 above ground,

you have to climb a total of 60 floors.

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Q: How do you calculate a temperature increase from minus 15 to 45 degrees?
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What is the temperature on Europa?

The surface temperature on Europa varies between minus 260 to minus 370 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 160 to minus 220 degrees Celsius).

What is minus 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Celsius?

-134 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of -92.22 degrees Celsius.

What temperature is 3 degrees C warmer than minus 4 degrees C?

3 degrees Celsius warmer than -4 degrees Celsius is -1 degree Celsius.

What temperature is cooling minus 20 degrees or minus 70 degrees?

Cooling by 20 degrees would result in a temperature of -20 degrees. Cooling by 70 degrees would result in a temperature of -70 degrees.

Can it be minus zero degrees?

No, temperature can't be minus zero degrees. Zero degrees is the coldest point on the temperature scale, and any negative value would indicate a temperature even colder than zero.

Is minus 200 degrees or minus 2 degrees hotter?

Minus 2 degrees is hotter than minus 200 degrees. The closer a temperature is to 0 degrees, the warmer it is.

At what temperature will degrees Celsius of degrees Fahrenheit will be equal?

minus 40

What is the lowest recorded temperature on Jupiter?

The lowest recorded temperature on Jupiter is approximately minus 235 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 148 degrees Celsius). This frigid temperature is found in the planet's upper atmosphere.

What is Rhode Island's coldest winter day?

The lowest recorded temperature was minus 25 degrees F.

How hot is it on Europa?

Temperature: Europa's surface temperature at the equator never rises above minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 160 degrees Celsius). At the poles of the moon, the temperature never rises above minus 370 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 220 degrees Celsius).

What temperature is ten degrees higher than minus seven degrees?

It is plus three degrees.

If at 7 pm the temperature was 10 degrees by midnight it dropped 20 degrees what was the temperature at midnight?

minus 10