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Q: Is minus 2 degree colder that 2 below zero?
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Is minus 2 degrees colder than 2 below zero?

As long as you're in the same temperature system, -2 is the same as 2 below zero.

What is the integers of 9 degree below zero?

The integer is still 9. It is a signed integer; the sign is minus.

Is minus 1 degrees colder than o degrees?

Yes, -1 degrees is one degree colder than 0 degrees. The negative sign indicates a temperature below freezing point, making it colder than 0 degrees.

Can it be minus zero degrees?

No, temperature can't be minus zero degrees. Zero degrees is the coldest point on the temperature scale, and any negative value would indicate a temperature even colder than zero.

What is negative seven minus negative two equal?

because both are minus and minus and minus is below zero, it would be 2 further below zero, -7-2=9

Which is colder 5 degrees or 3 degrees below zero?

3 degrees below zero is colder, as it is below freezing temperature (0 degrees).

Is -4 degree celsius colder or -6 degree celsius?

-6 degrees Celsius is colder; it is farther from zero than -4 degrees.

What is colder than 5 F below zero?


What is colder -6 degrees F or 6 degrees F?

-6 Fahrenheit is colder. It is below zero.

What is a neagitive integers?

Negative integers are integers that are less than zero. If the temperature is 17 degrees and it gets colder 22 degrees colder then it is minus 5 degrees. minus five is a negative integer.

Is -18 degrees Celsius colder than -25 degrees Celsius?

No -25 °C is colder than -18 °C

Which is colder steel or wood at zero degree centigrade?

If you mean the air around them is 0 degrees, then the steel would be colder.