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ave speed does not care if you have stopovers or not.

ave speed = total distance / total time

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Q: How do you calculate average speed in case of stop overs?
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To calculate average speed, you would need the total time taken to cover the distance. If we have the time taken, we can divide the distance traveled by the time taken to get the average speed. Without the time taken, we cannot calculate the average speed in this case.

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To calculate the speed of the vehicle, you take the distance traveled divided by the time taken. In this case, 21.6 m ÷ 3 s = 7.2 m/s. Therefore, the speed of the vehicle is 7.2 meters per second.

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To find the mean kinetic energy with only mass and horizontal distance traveled, you would also need to know the initial and final velocities of the object. Once you have these values, you can calculate the mean kinetic energy using the formula: KE = 0.5 * m * ((v_final)^2 - (v_initial)^2), where m is the mass and v is the velocity.

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To calculate the speed, divide the distance by the time taken. In this case, 18m/12min = 1.5 meters per minute.

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Not enough information. You can use the equation speed = frequency x wavelength, but in this case, you don't have enough data to calculate the speed.

How can you calculate the distance using the formula?

There are several formulae for different cases. For the case of a constant speed, use the formula: distance = speed x time.

How is distance and time related to the speed of an object?

In the case of constant speed: distance = speed x time. Or, Total distance = Average speed * Total Time

What is the speed of an object 10m from you for 2 seconds?

To calculate the speed of an object, we need to know the distance it travels and the time it takes. If the object is 10m away from you and travels that distance in 2 seconds, we can calculate its speed using the formula: Speed = Distance/Time. In this case, Speed = 10m/2s = 5 m/s.

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To calculate the speed of the 100m dash, you first need to convert the time from minutes to seconds. In this case, 11.8 minutes is 708 seconds. Then, you divide the distance (100m) by the time (708s) to find the average speed. Speed = Distance / Time, so speed = 100m / 708s = 0.141 m/s.

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To find the average speed between time=0 and time=2, divide the distance traveled by the time (in this case 2 seconds).

If a car travels 5 meters in 0.2 seconds What is it's average speed?

The car's average speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, the average speed would be 25 meters per second (5 meters / 0.2 seconds).