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Density of a substance = (mass of a sample of the substance) divided by (volume of the same sample)

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Q: How do you calculate density using a formula?
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How do you find the density of a sphere?

calculate the volume using the formula: Vsphere = (4/3)*pi*r^3 then calculate density by Density = Mass/Volume

What is the formula to calculate density?

density = mass/volume

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How do you calculate weight of shaft?

The weight of a shaft can be calculated using the formula: weight = density * volume * acceleration due to gravity. The density and volume of the shaft material will need to be known in order to plug them into the formula.

How do you get volume with only mass?

To get the volume from mass alone, you would need to know the density of the material in question. By dividing the mass by the density, you can calculate the volume using the formula: volume = mass/density.

What is a way to calculate the mass of an object when you multiply its density by what?

You can calculate the mass of an object by multiplying its density by its volume. The formula to calculate mass is: mass = density x volume.

How do you calculate weight of HDPE pipe?

To calculate the weight of an HDPE pipe, you can use the formula: Weight = Volume × Density. First, calculate the volume of the pipe using the formula for the volume of a cylinder (πr²h, where r is the radius and h is the height), and then multiply it by the density of HDPE to get the weight. Density of HDPE can range from 0.93 to 0.97 g/cm³ depending on the grade.

The density of benzene at 15 is 0.8787 Calculate the mass of 0.1900 of benzene at this temperature?

To calculate the mass of benzene, use the formula: mass = volume x density. You need to know the volume of 0.1900 L of benzene at 15°C, which can be calculated using the ideal gas law or the formula for density (density = mass/volume). Once you have the volume, multiply it by the density to find the mass.

What formula do you use to calculate density?


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How do you find the diameter of an asteroid knowing its density and mass?

You can find the diameter of an asteroid knowing its density and mass by using the formula for volume of a sphere (V = 4/3 * π * r^3, where r is the radius) and density (density = mass/volume). With the asteroid's mass, you can calculate its volume using density, and then find the radius using the volume formula. Finally, double the radius to find the diameter.