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To calculate the hours and minutes worked you could simply start a timer when you get to work and stop it when you leave. Do this every day until it is time to turn in your hours and minutes worked. The amount on the timer will be your total.

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Q: How do you calculate hours and minutes worked?
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How do you calculate minutes vs hours?

To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60. Multiply the number of hours by 60 to convert hours to minutes.

How do calculate hours to minutes?

Just multiply the hours by 60: 1 hour = 60 minutes 2 hours = 120 minutes and so on...

How do you calculate hours worked?

Not exactly a well phrased question. However if this is what you mean then add up all the minutes and divide by 60. This (even if it's a decimal) is the amount of hours worked. However if you want the amount of hours and minutes then take the decimal number if there is one then multiply it by 60 and you will have the hours and the minutes concecutively. You can use Excel to calculate hours worked. Enter the time worked in an hh:mm format Example: Type in Cell A1- - - 8:00 am Type in Cell B1- - - 5:00 pm Type in Cell C1- - - =SUM(B1-A1)*24 Change the cell format of C1 to "Number" with 2 decimal places. You can download free excel sheet templates from

How many hours worked is 725am to 1255pm?

5 hours, 30 minutes.

How many hours and minutes in 443minutes?

There are 7 hours and 38 minutes in 443 minutes. To figure this out you can calculate 443 divided by 60.

How many hours have you worked from 813 am till 445 am?

20 hours, 32 minutes

Leslie worked for 300 minutes How many hours did she work?

5 hours

How do you calculate 1.75 in hours?

1.75 hours is 1 hour and 45 minutes.

You worked nine hours and fifteen minutes yesterday how to do you put that in decimals?

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this: I think if you put 9.25 hours, you would be correct in saying that 9 and a quarter hours (or 9 hours and 15 minutes) is how long you worked.

How do you calculate how many minutes are in 0.03 hours?


How do you calculate manpower?

To calculate manpower or labor productivity, you divide the value of goods and services produced by the total hours worked by employees over a specified period. You can also calculate labor productivity by dividing the total sales by the total amount of hours worked.