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Q: How do you calculate linear board feet?
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How to calculate linear square feet?

There are linear feet, and square feet, but no "linear square feet".

Are board feet and linear feet answers the same?

No they are differant units of measurement. Board feet, is actually a measurement of volume. 1 board foot is the volume of a board 12" wide by 1" thick by 1 foot long. So to calculate board foot you would also need to know the thickness. Whereas linear feet is a measurement of length, equal to 12 inches, in this case. You can also have linear inches, yards, furlongs, etc.

What is the difference in board feet and linear feet?

Board feet is the unit measure of rough lumber. Linear feet is the unit measure of S4S lumber. (smooth 4 sides)

How do you convert board feet to lineal feet?

To convert board feet to lineal feet, divide the total board feet by the board's thickness in feet. For example, if you have 100 board feet of lumber that is 1 inch thick, you would divide 100 by 1, which equals 100 lineal feet.

How do you Calculate board feet to linear board feet?

BF = nominal thickness" (t) x nominal width" (w) x linear feet'(LF)/ 12" then BFx12"/ (t)x(w)= LF so if you have 200 BF of 2x4 200'x12"/2"x4"= 2400/8= 300 LF of lumber

How do you calculate linear footage?

You must first draw a floor plan and figure out how the carpet will be laid out. You must then account for waste and seam placement. After laying out the entire job, add up the individual cuts and you will have the total linear feet that needs to be ordered.

What is the board feet if you have 9813.30 linear meters?

Answer: 9,813.30 m = 32,195.866 feet.

How do you calculate how many linear feet of bead-board to purchase?

Measure the length of each wall. Add those figures up and you get Linear footage. Divide the total linear footage by the width of the panels and round up, this is the number of planks you will need.

How do you figure linear feet in a room that is 25 feet by 25 feet?

That depends on how wide your board is. A six inch wide board will need 25 x 25 x 2 (1250) linear feet to cover the area. A three inch wide board will need 25 x 25 x 4 (2500) linear feet to cover the area.

Calculate square feet from linear square feet?

Feet can't be converted to square feet. Feet measure length, while square feet measure area.

How do you figure out linear board feet?

if the board is 8 inches width by 8 foot long by 2 inches thick at $5.50 per linear board what is the price per board?

What is conversion board feet to square feet or square feet to board feet?

you can't straight convert a linear measure to an area measure... missing info. If the board is 12" wide, then the ratio is one to one. if the board is 6" wide, the linear footage needed would be double. It's a simple ratio. width of board in inches/12 * length in feet = square feet. length in feet = square feet * 12 / width