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If the distance is known to perfection, an acceleration is constant, then the absolute error in the calculation of acceleration is 2/t3, where t is the measured time.

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Q: How do you calculate measurement uncertainty for acceleration given uncertainty in time?
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What is the percent uncertainty for the measurement given as 4.19m?

When giving the result of the measurement, its important to state the precision or estimated uncertainty, in the measurement. The percent uncertainty is simply the radio of the uncertainty to the measured value, multiplied by 100. 4.19m take the last decimal unit, is 9 but with value of 1/100 .01 is the uncertainty Now, .01/4.19 x 100 % = 0.24%

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To calculate the G-force experienced by an object with only the acceleration given, you can use the formula G-force = acceleration / 9.81 m/s^2. Dividing the acceleration value by the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) gives you the G-force experienced by the object.

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WE know that ~x*~p>=h/4*3.14 and ~p= m~v so substitute value of ~p in above equqtion

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Newton is a unit of force, not a measurement that can be directly calculated from mass. However, you can calculate weight by multiplying the mass in kilograms by the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2 on Earth). Weight is a force measured in newtons.

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If the force is not given, you can calculate it using Newton's second law of motion, which states that force equals mass multiplied by acceleration (F = m*a). By rearranging the formula to solve for force, you can determine it by multiplying the mass of the object by its acceleration.

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Power is equal to Force times velocity; P=Fv. You are given the 'speed', which I assume to be velocity. You also have acceleration. In order to find F, you need first to find the mass, which you can calculate from the weight, Fg, by dividing by the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8. You then have the mass. From here, multiply mass times acceleration times the velocity.

How can you calculate the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line by?

You can calculate the acceleration of an object by dividing the change in its velocity by the time taken for that change to occur. The formula for acceleration is acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

Which formula is used to calculate the mass of an object if the force and acceleration are known?

The formula used to calculate the mass of an object when force and acceleration are known is given by Newton's second law of motion: mass = force / acceleration. This formula states that the mass of an object is equal to the force acting on it divided by the acceleration produced.

Measurement of the change in the velocity of an object divided by the time it takes for this change to occur is?

Acceleration. It is a vector quantity that represents how quickly an object is changing its velocity. It is given by the formula: Acceleration = (Change in Velocity) / (Time taken).

To find the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line you must calculate the charge in distance during unit of time?

To find the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line, you must calculate the change in velocity during a unit of time. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time, not distance. It is given by the formula acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

What to do if the car change its velocity and the given is the acceleration?

If the acceleration of the car is given, you can calculate the change in velocity using the formula: final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). You need to know the initial velocity and the time for which the acceleration is acting to determine the final velocity.

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You can find the final speed by using the formula: final speed = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). Plug in the given values for initial velocity, acceleration, and time into the formula to calculate the final speed.