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Power is equal to Force times velocity; P=Fv. You are given the 'speed', which I assume to be velocity. You also have acceleration. In order to find F, you need first to find the mass, which you can calculate from the weight, Fg, by dividing by the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8. You then have the mass. From here, multiply mass times acceleration times the velocity.

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Q: How do you calculate power when given speed acceleration weight and distance?
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How do you calculate mass if you are only given weight in Newtons?

Weight = (mass) x (local acceleration of gravity). Mass = (weight) / (local acceleration of gravity) If you know the weight and the local acceleration of gravity, you can calculate the mass. Anywhere on or near the surface of the earth, the local acceleration of gravity is about 9.82 meters per second2 . As an example, an object with a weight of 9.82 newtons has a mass of one kilogram.

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To find the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line, you must calculate the change in velocity during a unit of time. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time, not distance. It is given by the formula acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

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Assuming constant acceleration: distance = v(0) t + (1/2) a t squared Where v(0) is the initial velocity.

How do you calculate distance traveled with force mass and time?

Distance traveled can be calculated using the formula: distance = 0.5 * acceleration * time^2, where acceleration = force / mass. First, calculate acceleration by dividing the force by the mass, then plug the acceleration value into the formula along with the time to find the distance traveled.

What is the acceleration for meters per second?

This is imposible to calculate. In order to find acceleration, knowlege of at least 3 of these variables must be given: initial speed, final speed, distance, and time.

How do you find distance given acceleration and speed?

acceleration times speed

How do you calculate same acceleration given force and weight?

To calculate the same acceleration given force and weight, you can use Newton's second law of motion: ( F = ma ), where ( F ) is the force applied, ( m ) is the mass experiencing the force, and ( a ) is the acceleration produced. When weight is the force acting on an object, you can use the formula ( F_{\text{weight}} = mg ), where ( m ) is the mass of the object and ( g ) is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately ( 9.81 , \text{m/s}^2 )). By equating these two forces and rearranging the formula, you can find the acceleration produced by the given force and weight.

What will the stopping distance be for a kg car if -3000 N of force are applied when the car is traveling 10ms?

To calculate stopping distance, we need to first find the deceleration of the car using the formula: force = mass x acceleration. Given that force = -3000 N and mass = kg, we can find the acceleration. Once the acceleration is known, we can use the equation of motion: final velocity^2 = initial velocity^2 + 2 x acceleration x distance to calculate the stopping distance.

How do you calculate distance when given velocity and weight?

To calculate distance with velocity and weight, you can use the equation for work: Work = Force x Distance. The force can be calculated by multiplying the weight with gravity. Velocity can then be used to determine the time it takes for the object to travel that distance using the equation Distance = Velocity x Time.