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You add all the forces. Not quite sure what you mean with "no x value is given", but if you don't know ANYTHING about the forces, then you can't calculate the net force either.

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Q: How do you calculate net force in the x direction physics when no x value is given and there are push and pull forces in the x direction?
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What is th calculate net force for forces in the same direction?

To calculate the net force for forces in the same direction, simply add the magnitudes of the individual forces together to find the total force acting in that direction. The direction of the net force will be the same as the original forces.

When two forces are acting in the opposite direction how do you calculate the net force?

To calculate the net force when two forces are acting in opposite directions, subtract the smaller force from the larger force. The direction of the net force will be in the direction of the larger force.

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To calculate the net force when two or more forces are acting in the same direction, simply add the magnitudes of the individual forces together. The net force will be the sum of the forces acting in the same direction.

How do you calculate the net force if 2 or more forces act in the same direction?

To calculate the net force when multiple forces act in the same direction, simply add the magnitudes of the individual forces together. The direction of the net force remains the same as the original forces.

How do you calculate the net forces when two or more forces act in the same direction?

To calculate the net force when forces act in the same direction, simply add the magnitudes of all the individual forces together. The direction of the net force will remain the same as the direction of the individual forces.

What do you use to calculate force when both forces are in the same direction?

When both forces are in the same direction, you can calculate the total force by simply adding the magnitudes of the individual forces together. This is based on the principle of vector addition, where forces in the same direction can be combined by simple addition.

How can you Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force of an object which is acted on by a force of 4.0N and a force of 10N that are in the same direction?

To calculate the magnitude of the resultant force, simply add the magnitudes of the two forces together: 4.0N + 10N = 14.0N. Since both forces are in the same direction, the direction of the resultant force will also be in the same direction as the individual forces.

How do you calculate the net force when two people are pushing in the same direction?

To calculate the net force when two people are pushing in the same direction, you simply add their individual forces together. The net force will be the sum of both forces acting in the same direction.

What are forces shown as?

Forces are typically shown as vectors in physics, with an arrow representing the direction of the force and the length of the arrow indicating the magnitude of the force. This helps to visually represent how forces act on objects in a particular direction.

How do you calculate the net force when forces are in the opposite direction?

You subtract the smaller force from the larger one.

How do we calculate resultant forces?

To calculate the resultant force, you need to add up all the individual forces acting on an object. If the forces are acting in the same direction, you simply add them up. If the forces are acting in different directions, you need to consider both the magnitude and direction of each force to determine the resultant force.

How do you calculate the size of the resultant force in physics?

To calculate the size of the resultant force in physics, you can use vector addition. This involves determining the sum of the individual forces acting on an object, taking into account their magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the resultant force can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem for forces acting at right angles, or vector addition for forces acting at angles other than 90 degrees.