The number of odd days in a year is calculated based on whether the year is an ordinary year or a leap year. If the year is an ordinary year then it will have 365 days which has(365/7=52 weeks 1 day) 1 odd day but in case of a leap year number of days will be 366(366/7=52 weeks 2 days) i.e. 2 odd days.
0=Sunday; 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday;4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saturday;
Take the number of days and divide by two. If you are trying to find the number of odd days in a year, you can count (spoiler alert: it's 185).
365 total days in a year/2= 183 odd days.
That might refer to the days where the day of the month is an odd number, such as Jan. 1, April 17, etc.
The parity (odd or even) of days depends on the number of days in a month - not the number of days in a week.
There are 31 days in 7 months with 16 odd There are 30 days in 4 months with 15 odd There are 28 days in 1 months with 14 odd That is each year 7 x 16 + 4 x 15 + 1 * 14 = 186 odd days in 300 years that is 300 x 186 = 55,800 add 300/4 = 75 days for Leap year (Feb29) and that is 55800 + 75 = 55,875 odd days except every 100 years there is no leap year so subtract 3 Total = 55,872 odd days
Take the number of days and divide by two. If you are trying to find the number of odd days in a year, you can count (spoiler alert: it's 185).
The answer will vary, due to leap years. You calculate the number of odd days in each month, for a normal year (non-leap-year) and add it all up. Then you multiply the result by 97. Next, you have to add 1 for each leap year in the period.
365 total days in a year/2= 183 odd days.
That might refer to the days where the day of the month is an odd number, such as Jan. 1, April 17, etc.
Assume that odd days refers to the number of the day in the year then in both a leap year and a non-leap year there are 183 odd days, totaling, for a decade, to 1830 odd days.
The same as it does on even days of the year!
There is a total of 3 odd days in 200 years from the fact that 1 ordinary year has 1 odd day. .
The parity (odd or even) of days depends on the number of days in a month - not the number of days in a week.
There are 31 days in 7 months with 16 odd There are 30 days in 4 months with 15 odd There are 28 days in 1 months with 14 odd That is each year 7 x 16 + 4 x 15 + 1 * 14 = 186 odd days in 300 years that is 300 x 186 = 55,800 add 300/4 = 75 days for Leap year (Feb29) and that is 55800 + 75 = 55,875 odd days except every 100 years there is no leap year so subtract 3 Total = 55,872 odd days
There were 365 days in 1850.
In a non leap year, there are 7 months with an odd number of days, if we exclude those 7 days you would have the same number of even & odd days. The formula will be: (Total numbe of days - 7 ) / 2 = even number of days ( 365 - 7) / 2 = 179 Now you need to add back the days you excluded and you have the odd number of days. 179 + 7 = 186 In a leap year, you need to add one to that, so it is 187.