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Q: How do you calculate probability when mean and standards deviation are given?
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How do you calculate probability given mean and standard deviation?

The mean and standard deviation do not, by themselves, provide enough information to calculate probability. You also need to know the distribution of the variable in question.

How do you calculate variance given standard deviation?

Square the standard deviation and you will have the variance.

Given mean of 0 and deviation of 1 what is the probability that Z is greater than -1.96?

The probability of Z from minus infinity to -1.96 is 0.025. Therefore the probability of Z greater than -1.96 is 1 - 0.025 or 0.975 or 97.5%.

Poisson distribution the mean and standard deviation?

The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution, with random variable k, related to the number events. The discrete probability function (probability mass function) is given as: f(k; L) where L (lambda) is the mean and square root of lambda is the standard deviation, as given in the link below:

Given a standardized normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a deviation of 1 what is the probability that Z is less than 1.51?

From the related link, you can read directly the probability that Z is less than 1.51 is 0.9345.

What is the formula of mean absolute deviation?

* * * * *No it is not.Step 1: Calculate the mean = sum of observations/number of observations.Step 2: For each observation, x, calculate deviation = x - mean.Step 3: Sum together the NON_NEGATIVE values of the above deviations.Step 4: Divide by the number of observations.That is the mean absolute deviation, not the rubbish given below!

How do you calculate mean deviation?

Given a set of numbers, and its mean, we can find the difference between each of the numbers and the mean. If we take the mean of these differences, the result is called the mean deviation of the numbers.

What is the answer for calculate the mean and standard deviation for the subset of Fibonacci series given here 8 13 21 34 55 89 144?

49.30179172 is the standard deviation and 52 is the mean.

When an average rate of return of 16.7 percent and a standard deviation of 43.1 percent What is the approximate probability that this stock will yield more than 60 percent in any given year?

Assuming the returns are nomally distributed, the probability is 0.1575.

The probability of a phone being answered at 2 min given the average time is 3?

The probability of a phone being answered in 2 minutes, given that the average time is 3 minutes, is not specified in the information given. More details or specific probabilities are needed to determine the answer.

What is the z score of x equals 108?

You need the mean and standard deviation in order to calculate the z-score. Neither are given.

Quantum mechanics can be used to calculate the probability of an electron's what at any given time?

An electron's location or momentum, but not both.