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Q: How do you calculate relative risk from incidence rate?
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What is the difference between incidence rate ratio and relative risk ratio?

Incidence rate and relative risk are two different measurements used in epidemiology to study illness/disease in specified populations.Incidence rate refers to the number of new cases of a condition in a defined (specified) group or population. It is often expressed as a ratio. For example, if there are 1000 people and 14 of them develop a condition, the incidence rate is 14 per 1000 or 1.4%Relative risk is a measurement that indicates probability of cause. In other words, how likely is it that a place, person or agent is responsible for causing disease/illness.Before you can calculate relative risk, you must first calculate an attack rate on different groups. An attack rate refers to the number of people exposed to an illness compaired to those who actually became sick. To calculate the attack rate, you divide the number of people ill by those who were exposed, and then multiply by 100.To then calculate the relative risk, you divide the attack rate of those sick by the attack rate of those who are not sick.The closer the relative risk is to 1.0, the less likely it is the cause of disease.The higher the relative risk, the more likely it is that it is the cause of disease.

How do you calculate absolute risk?


How do you find relative risk?

Relative risk (RR) is calculated as follows:Incidence among the exposed / Incidence among the unexposed; ORa/(a+b) OVER c/(c+d)

What it cumulative incidence rate?

Cumulative incidence is a measure of frequency, as in epidemiology where it is a measure of disease frequency during a period of time. Cumulative incidence is the incidence calculated using a period of time during which all of the individuals in the population are considered to be at risk for the outcome. It is sometimes referred to as the incidence proportion or the attack rate. Cumulative incidence is calculated by the number of new cases during a period divided by the number of people at risk in the population at the beginning of the study. Cumulative incidence is a measure of frequency, as in epidemiology where it is a measure of disease frequency during a period of time. Cumulative incidence is the incidence calculated using a period of time during which all of the individuals in the population are considered to be at risk for the outcome. It is sometimes referred to as the incidence proportion or the attack rate. Cumulative incidence is calculated by the number of new cases during a period divided by the number of people at risk in the population at the beginning of the study.

Difference between cumulative incidence and incidence rate?

example for cumulative incidence(Risk)...... Number of new cases/Population at risk 28 patient in two years/1000 person at risk which means 2.8% the IR for the same example 14 patient / 1 year

What is the rate of incidence?

# of new cases of a specified disease in a population / population at risk for getting the disease

What is the formula of incidence rate?

# of new cases of a specified disease in a population / population at risk for getting the disease

How do you calculate annual risk free rate?

The risk free rate of return is a rate an investor will expect with zero risk over a specified period of time. In order to calculate risk free rate you need to use CAPM model formula ra = rrf + Ba (rm-rrf), where rrf is risk free rate, Ba is beta of security and Rm is market return.

What does the term relative risk refer to?

In Statistics and Mathematical Epidemiology the term Relative Risk refers to the risk of an occurrence ( or evolving disease) associated to being unprotected. Relative Risk is a rate of the likelihood of the occurrence happening in the exposed group compared to the non-exposed group.

What is relative risk and how is it calculated?

Relative risk (RR) is the measure of absolute risk in one population as a proportion of absolute risk in another. It a measurement of the strength of association.It is calculated as follows:Incidence among exposed / Incidence among unexposed; ORa/(a+b) OVER c/(c+d)The higher risk is usually (but not always) the numeratorRR cannot be calculated for case-control studiesRR is not influenced by the magnitude of background risk

The market risk premium is measured by?

The market risk premium is measured by the market return less risk-free rate. You can calculate the market risk premium as market risk premium is equal to the expected return of the market minus the risk-free rate.

The incidence of the risk of total and permanent disability during the years of active employment is?

less than the incidence of the risk of death