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A plenum is a meeting area where all participants are in attendance - as opposed to splitting off into small groups. Its size will depend on the number of people attending.

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Q: How do you calculate surface area of a plenum?
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To calculate the pressure exerted on a surface, the force acting on the surface is divided by the surface area. Mathematically, pressure = force / area.

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surface area divided by volume

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To calculate the pressure exerted on a surface, the force normal to the surface is divided by the surface area. The formula for pressure is pressure = force / area.

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To calculate the surface area of a shape find the area of each side, and then, add all of the areas together. The sum of the areas is the surface area.

How do you calculate surface area to volume ratio?

You measure or calculate the surface area; you measure or calculate the volume and then you divide the first by the second. The surface areas and volumes will, obviously, depend on the shape.

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It depends on the shape whose surface area you are interested in.

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The surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2

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The same way you calculate the surface area of any other rectangle: Multiply the length of the wall by its height.

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Area = Length * Breadth.

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need to measure the length and width of the front surface, then multiply these two measurements together. This will give you the area of the front surface of the box.

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