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Q: How do you calculate swing-circle for navigation?
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How is geometry used in navigation?

trigonometry is often used to calculate distances from certain locations

What is solid mensuration in navigation?

solid mensuration is use for loading and unloading of cargoes to calculate the trim and stability of a ship

What tool is used for ship navigation using the stars?

A sextant is a tool used for ship navigation by measuring the angles between celestial objects, typically the stars, and the horizon. This information can then be used to calculate the ship's position on a nautical chart.

How to use GPS navigation on Sony Ericsson cell phones?

You use the gps navigation on sony ericsson cell phone by putting in the address or directions to the place you would like to go to and them click find and it will calculate the directions.

Navigation used in a sentence as noun?

Yes, This is the navigation. The G.P.S is a navigation device. Where is the navigation?

What is used in navigation and ranging?

Navigation and ranging are achieved using technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning System) for determining location and distance, and radar or sonar for measuring distances to objects or detecting obstacles. These technologies use signals and timing to calculate positions and distances accurately.

What is the noun of navigation?


Does a marine navigation system use a satellite for mapping?

Yes, marine navigation systems also use satellites for mapping. In fact, all GPS systems use a network of orbiting satellites to calculate the precise location of the GPS unit, whether it's on the land or in the sea.

What British law not enforced before 1763?

Navigation Act

What are the four types of air navigation?

The four types of air navigation are visual navigation, radio navigation, satellite navigation, and inertial navigation. These methods help pilots determine their position and navigate from one point to another during flight.

What is Verb for navigation?

The verb for Navigation is Navigate

What is courstal navigation?

Courstal navigation is when one uses the coast to guide navigation while driving.