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I am an individual volunteer contributor to WikiAnswers, and I am no expert on

anything. I'm telling you this because I just now worked out a method for doing

what you want done, and I don't know if it's right or wrong. I'll give it to you for

free with no guarantee, and in return, if it's wrong, please don't come back and

yell at me, and don't hold it against WikiAnswers either. (On the other hand, if it

does work, you could always come back and lay a Trust Point on me.)

Here's how I would do it:

-- Take the number (base diameter of the cap)/(radius of the sphere)

-- Find the arc-cosine of that number (the angle that has that number for its cosine).

-- Take the number (that angle)/(90)

-- Multiply it by the radius of the sphere.

-- That's the height of the cap above its base.

Good luck !

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Q: How do you calculate the height of a spherical cap with just the base diameter and the radius of the sphere?
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