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Q: How do you calculate the packing fraction of hcp structure?
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What is the atomic packing factor of hcp?


How do you calculate the volume of a HCP crystal?

Are you takling Material Science class? Volume of HCP crystal = (a^2) (c) cos30 Im taking Material Science and Engineering

Volume of a HCP unit cell?

The volume of HCP is 8*pi*r^3 or 25.13*r^3

Show that the atomic packing factor for HCP is 0.74?

To answer this question we must look at the HCP itself. We know it is a Hexagonal close packet (HCP) With a CN=12 and common elements are Ti, Mg, Cd etc.Now we have the backup theory, let's answer the question.APF (Atomic packing factor) will equal Vs/Vcwhere Vs is volume of the atoms contained within the unit cell. Vcbeing the volume of total unit cell. Now we look at the structure HCP:Imagine a hexagonal with 6 equilateral triangles contained.Firstly what is Vs? Easy: (volume or sphere?) =4/3(pie)R^3 x 6 (x6 because of 6 spheres per unit cell, remember? HCP has 6 atoms contained)Dissect one equilateral triangle off to work out it's area. The area of this equilateral triangle? Now the side lengths will be a (any value) with 60 degree angles at each edge (total of 180 degrees) therefore the are will be A=ax a x 1/2 x sin(60) =(Sqrt(3) x (a^2)) / 4Now multiply the area of the single triangle by 6 (remember, 6 triangles).Total Area of base of hexagonal =(Sqrt(3) x (3) x a^2) / 2Now remember the formula relating a with R =>a =2RSub R into our base area formula, therefore =6 x Sqrt(3) x R^2 (excluding working out)Now recall the c/a ratio of HCP? c/a=1.63Hence c =1.63 x a > Now sub R (a =2R...)c =3.26 x RNow recall the question? APF? Therefore look back at Vc/Vs, what are we missing? Vc,now Vc=c x base...Vc=3.26 x R x 10.392 x R^2 =33.878 x R^3thereforeAPF =Vs (recall from top working out) / Vc=(8 x (pie) x R^3) / 33.878 x R^3Vc=0.74 ( cancel the R^3)Easy eh? haha

Related questions

What is the packing fraction of the hcp form of titanium?

The packing fraction of the hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure is calculated as (3 * sqrt(3) * (0.5)^2) / (2) which is approximately 0.74. Therefore, the packing fraction of the hcp form of titanium is around 74%.

What is the atomic packing factor of hcp?


How do you calculate APF of HCP?

The atomic packing factor (APF) of a hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure is calculated by taking the volume of atoms in a unit cell divided by the total volume of the unit cell. For HCP, the APF can be determined using the formula: APF = (3 * sqrt(3) * (0.25)) / (2 * sqrt(2)) This simplifies to APF = 0.74

What is the difference between hcp and ccp closed packing?

HCP (hexagonal close-packed) and CCP (cubic close-packed) are both types of close-packed crystal structures. The main difference lies in the arrangement of atoms - HCP has two alternating layers of atoms, while CCP has three alternating layers. HCP has a hexagonal unit cell, while CCP has a cubic unit cell.

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How do you calculate the volume of a HCP crystal?

Are you takling Material Science class? Volume of HCP crystal = (a^2) (c) cos30 Im taking Material Science and Engineering

What is the Lewis structure for HCP?

The Lewis structure for hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure cannot be accurately represented using the traditional Lewis dot structure as it is a three-dimensional arrangement of atoms. HCP structure consists of layers of atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern with every other layer shifted by half the length of the unit cell along the c-axis.

Rank the crystal lattice structures in order of decreasing efficiency of space in the structure?

Cubic closest packing (ccp) - has the highest efficiency of space due to spheres being packed closely in all three dimensions. Hexagonal closest packing (hcp) - has slightly lower efficiency compared to ccp due to the alternating layers of spheres. Body-centered cubic (bcc) - has lower efficiency than ccp and hcp due to less efficient packing arrangement. Simple cubic - has the lowest efficiency of space with only spheres at the corners of the cube.

Is zinc an example of pure metal with a hexagonal close-packed arragements?

Yes, zinc is a pure metal that adopts a hexagonal close-packed (HCP) crystal structure at room temperature. In its solid form, zinc atoms are arranged in a close-packed hexagonal lattice structure, making it an example of a pure metal with HCP arrangements.

What is the coordination number in hcp?

The coordination number in hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structures is 12. This means that each atom in an hcp lattice is in contact with 12 surrounding atoms.

Volume of a HCP unit cell?

The volume of HCP is 8*pi*r^3 or 25.13*r^3

What are the three differences packing arrangements found in metallic crystals?

Most metals and alloys crystallize in one of three very common structures: body-centered cubic (bcc), Li is an example of bcc , hexagonal close packed (hcp) Au is an example of hcp, or cubic close packed (ccp, also called face centered cubic, fcc) Ag is an example of fcg. The yield strength of a "perfect" single crystal of pure Al is ca. 10^6 psi.