This question cannot be answered sensibly. A yard is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. A tonne is a measure of mass, with dimensions [M]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.
As an exception, some building materials (sand, gravel, core, cememt) are sold in "yards". Technically they are not yards but cubic yards - a volume. And to convert that volume into tonnage you need to know the density of the material.
Feet divided by 3= yards
Divide the number of feet by 3 to get yards.
Length x width x depth in inches. Then x .00625 = tons
define the sides in yards, then: area of triangle in sq yards / 4840 = acres
There are 9 square feet in each square yard. You multiply the yards by 9 to get the feet.
To convert tonnage to cubic yards, you need to know the density of the material. The formula to convert tonnage to cubic yards is: (Tonnage / Density) * 1.35. This formula assumes a standard density of 1.35 tons per cubic yard.
2.23 tons
500-1000 yards depending on tonnage and captains maneuvering space required
1,760 yards = 1 mile
Feet divided by 3= yards
How thick? Gotta have thickness to calculate cubic yards.
Divide the number of feet by 3 to get yards.
you can calculate like this:length*wideth*height*density.If you need more information, pls contact me:
There are not enough measurements to calculate square yards. It would need to be 7500 by (another measurement) to calculate.
you have to times it by 1000000000000000 and then divide be 15 then times it by 2
i dont know this nswer
Length x width x depth in inches. Then x .00625 = tons