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You need to start with total amount owed, total monthly payments, and annual interest.


Payment = (Loan amount x Interest) ÷ (Payments per Year x (1 - (1 + (Interest) ÷ Payments per Year)) raised to the power of negative Payments per Year x Length of Loan)))

Or, you could just use Excel and use the PMT function:


interest_rate = interest rate for the loan

number_payments = number of payments for the loan

PV = present value or principal of the loan

FV (optional) = future value or the loan amount outstanding after all payments have been made. If this parameter is omitted, the PMT function assumes a FV value of 0.

Type (optional) = when the payments are due. Type can be one of the following values:

- 0 = payments due at end of period (default)

- 1 = payments due at beginning of period

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