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Divide the number of unemployed by the number of people in the labor force then multiply by 100.


Labor force: 130.5 Million

Unemployed: 7.2 Million

7.2/130.5 X 100 = 5.5%

100 X (number unemployed) / (number unemployed + number employed)

You can go to the Related Link below for one answer.

There are several methods used to calculate the rate of unemployment (see the Related Link below). The most common one is: Unemployment Rate = 'Unemployed Workers' divided by 'Total Labor Force'.

Unemployment is generally the percentage of people looking for work, and who are currently unemployed, as compared to the total number of availiable workers. There is one big exception, which generally is not realized by most, and that is that the people who are now or were previously unemployed, but are no longer looking for work, are not included or counted in any other numbers currently published.

based off the census in the U.S.A.

You can go to the Related Link below for one answer.

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100 X (number unemployed) / (number unemployed + number employed)

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There are several options for viewing the unemployment rate in Tennessee. CNN Money have a state by state breakdown of unemployment rates, and the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development also have this information.

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