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At my school for all honors level classes an extra 0.5 on your gpa, and Advanced Placement courses are an extra 1.0 on your g.p.a. but there are different methods for other schools. check your student handbook.

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Q: How do you calculate your weighted GPA?
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How is GPA weighted at brown university?

Brown doesn't calculate GPA...

In what type of GPA are honors AP IB and dual enrollment courses given additional points?

Weighted GPA

If an H in a weighted honors class is 5.00 and you make an A which is a weighted 4.50 does this mean your unweighted GPA drops below a 4.00?

it shouldn't affect your unweighted GPA, as long as your weighted GPA is higher than a 4.0 then your unweighted stays a 4.0 (hopefully this makes sense)

Is a 100.68 weighted GPA good?

If it is based on a 100% scale, yes, it is a good GPA.

If Ru-Ping earns an A in science an A in math and a C in English what is her GPA?

To calculate Ru-Ping's GPA, we need to assign numerical values to her letter grades. Typically, an A is equivalent to a 4.0, a C is equivalent to a 2.0, and each grade point is weighted by the number of credits for the course. Assuming all courses are weighted equally, we can calculate her GPA by adding the grade point equivalents for each course and dividing by the total number of courses. In this case, Ru-Ping's GPA would be (4.0 + 4.0 + 2.0) / 3 = 3.33.

Is a 3.34 GPA and a weighted 4.17 GPA a bad GPA. i took no AP classes or honors classes either. my weighted GPA is based on college prep courses. is that bad?

College prep courses are not weighted, so your gpa, both weighted and unweighted, is a 3.34. The only way to get above a 4.0 is to take either honors or AP classes. If its bad or not depends on what kind of school you want to go to, and remember, colleges don't only look at gpa, they also look at standardized test scores (SAT and ACT) and extracurriculars.

3.5 weighted GPA and a 2.8 GPA Is that good?

its not good but its not terrible be safe get a 3.0

Can you get into UCLA with a 4.5 weighted GPA and 27 ACT score?


Would not count toward a weighted GPA?

High school Biology

What would not count toward a weighted GPA?

High school biology

How high can GPA's be?

Well at my school a weighted GPA goes up to 5 and an unweighted GPA goes up to 4. It might vary depending on the school

If you had a 3.88 weighted GPA freshman year a 4.18 weighted GPA sophomore year and are on the verge of getting a 4.75 weighted GPA junior year do these GPAs give you at shot at the ivy league?

That gives you a cumulative 4.27 GPA, which means you definitely have a "shot." It's a solid GPA, and the fact that you improved so dramatically shows dedication and initiative. That being said, nothing's for certain. It also depends on extracurriculars, legacy, volunteer hours, recommendations, and standardized test scores.