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Q: How do you call the output variable?
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What is output variable?

When you call a function, its parameters may transfer data to the function, back from the function, or both directions. The second sort of them is called as output variable.

Which variable is also called the dependent variable?

Output variable

Is the output variable the independent variable?

No, it usually is not.

As output increases total variable costs?

If the output increases, so will the variable cost. Though, variable cost is not directly proportionate to the output, still it will witness an incline.

How segregate the semi variable cost?

In semi variable cost :variable cost = change in cost/change in output then with that rate * output = variable cost semi variable cost - variable cost = fixed cost

Why is the output value called the dependent variable?

because it can change according to the independent variable. this dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its output. the independent variable is not affected by the dependent variable because the independent variable if found out first.

What is another name for the output variable in a function?

Dependent variable

The dependent variable is also known as the output variable?


The input variable is called the what variable?

The independent variable. The output variable is dependent on this variable's value and so is called the dependent variable.

What are Fixed and variable costs in the workplace?

fixed cost will not change with the change in output variable cost will change with chang in output

What is the input variable called in algebra?

the input variable is called the independent variable and the output variable is called the dependent variable.

Is the dependent variable also known as the output variable?

Yes, the dependent variable is also known as the output variable because it is the variable that is being measured or observed in an experiment or study. The value of the dependent variable depends on the independent variable(s) in the study.