To simplify the fraction 13/35, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator (13) and the denominator (35), which is 1. Since there is no common factor other than 1, the fraction 13/35 is already in its simplest form and cannot be further reduced.
4/7 divided by 13/35 is 1.53846153846
65/35 = 13/7
18/35 + 13/42 = 1211/1470 or 173/210
35 ÷ 21/13 = 455/27 or 1623/27
Multilication of fractions. 'Product' means multiply. 3/5 X 12/7 First e check to see if we can cancel down . In this case , we cannot cancel down , as there are no common factors . So multiply the numerators (top) and separately the denomionators(bottom) numbers to gether. Hence 36/35 Bring to a mixed fraction 36/35 = 1 1/35 The answer!!!!
4/7 divided by 13/35 is 1.53846153846
The answer to 13/36 minus 9/35 is 131/1260
The fraction 13/35 cannot be reduced any more.
65/35 = 13/7
18/35 + 13/42 = 1211/1470 or 173/210
Since there are no positive integer common factors of 13 and 35 other than 1, the proper fraction 13/35 is already expressed in simplest form.
35 ÷ 21/13 = 455/27 or 1623/27
To 5/13
13 over 35
18/35 + 13/42 = 108/210 + 65/210 = 173/210
Multilication of fractions. 'Product' means multiply. 3/5 X 12/7 First e check to see if we can cancel down . In this case , we cannot cancel down , as there are no common factors . So multiply the numerators (top) and separately the denomionators(bottom) numbers to gether. Hence 36/35 Bring to a mixed fraction 36/35 = 1 1/35 The answer!!!!
13 0ver 35