125 is an integer, not a fraction - not even an improper fraction. However, if you must, it can be written as an improper fraction in the following form: 125 0/1.
Add the letter "n" after the first article. That is, change "a" to "an".
Some numbers are improper fractions and some are not. For example, 1/2 or 0.5 is a number but not an improper fraction. And there is no way in which you can express it as an improper fraction.
0.48 is 48/1000 Reduce this (by dividing both top and bottom by 8) to 6/125 3.048 = 3 6/125 If you require it as an improper fraction, it is: ((3 * 125) + 6)/125 = 381/125
125 is an integer, not a fraction - not even an improper fraction. However, if you must, it can be written as an improper fraction in the following form: 125 0/1.
the improper fraction of 125 over 5 = 125/5 or 25/1
1.25 = 125/100 which simplifies to 11/4
As an improper fraction in its simplest form: 74.688 = 9336/125
As an improper fraction in its lowest terms 5.008 is 626/125
502 over 125 is the simplest impoper fraction in and of itself
Add the letter "n" after the first article. That is, change "a" to "an".
It is: 2.192 = 274/125 as an improper fraction in its lowest terms
It is: 11.13 = 1113/100 as an improper fraction
2.024 = 2024/1000 = (253×8)/(125×8) = 253/125 (as an improper fraction) = 2 3/125 (as a mixed number)
You cannot.