Divide 88 by 100, resulting in 88/100, or 88 over 100. A short approximation can be 8/9, or 8 over 9, which is 0.8 repeating.
To change a percent to a fraction, you put the number (in this case 88) over 100. Therefore 88% is 88/100 or reduced it is 22/25.
88 percent = 0.88 in decimal or 88/100 or 22/25 in fraction
It is: 88% = 0.88 as a decimal and 22/25 as a fraction simplified
The percent is 88%. The fraction is, in its simplest form, 22/25.
Decimal: 0.88 Fraction: 22/25
To change a percent to a fraction, you put the number (in this case 88) over 100. Therefore 88% is 88/100 or reduced it is 22/25.
88 percent = 0.88 in decimal or 88/100 or 22/25 in fraction
88% = 88/100
.88, 22/25
88% = 88/100 = 22/25.
88% = 88/100 = 22/25
It is: 88% = 0.88 as a decimal and 22/25 as a fraction simplified
The percent is 88%. The fraction is, in its simplest form, 22/25.
88% = 22⁄25
Percent means per hundred, so 88% is 88/100ths, or just 88/100. 88/100 = 22/25.
88% = 22/25
88% = 22/25