Yes providing you change the fractions into decimals or change the decimals into fractions
All numbers can be changed from fractions to decimals.
Fractions can be converted to decimals, percentages or mixed numbers.
NoImproved Answer:-Yes equivalent fractions can be converted into identical decimals.
Yes providing you change the fractions into decimals or change the decimals into fractions
All numbers can be changed from fractions to decimals.
Fractions can be converted to decimals, percentages or mixed numbers.
by converting them to equivalent fractions
NoImproved Answer:-Yes equivalent fractions can be converted into identical decimals.
change them to decimals
Fractions and decimals that represent the same value are equivalent. For example, 1//4 and 0.25 are equivalent.
One way to do it is to convert them to decimals by performing the division. Equivalent fractions become the same decimal.
You change fractions into decimals by dividing their denominators into their numerators as for example 3/4 = 0.75
To change fractions into decimals divide the numerator by the denominator as for example 3/4 = 0.75
No but for fractions