An example of a positive number without fractions or decimals is the whole number 7.
fractions are represented in form of decimals
Equivalent to what? No fraction is "equivalent" by itself; you can say that two or more fractions are equivalent, if they represent the same number.
In theory, infinite, non-recurring decimals can represent irrational number whereas fractions cannot do that. However, any non-recurring decimal number can be expressed for only a finite number of digits and so this theoretical difference cannot be attained in reality.
They can show the same number, just in different ways. You can convert fractions into decimals or decimals into fractions.
Write two fractions that the point on the number line represent
Equivalent Fractions
They are equivalent fractions
Whole numbers are positive numbers and there are no fractions or decimals.
An example of a positive number without fractions or decimals is the whole number 7.
fractions are represented in form of decimals
Equivalent to what? No fraction is "equivalent" by itself; you can say that two or more fractions are equivalent, if they represent the same number.
In theory, infinite, non-recurring decimals can represent irrational number whereas fractions cannot do that. However, any non-recurring decimal number can be expressed for only a finite number of digits and so this theoretical difference cannot be attained in reality.
The Romans did not have a method to represent fractions or decimals with their letter symbols. They usually would just say three and fourteen hundredths. See related links for information about how to work with Roman Numerals.
They can show the same number, just in different ways. You can convert fractions into decimals or decimals into fractions.
A whole number.
To find out if two fractions are equivalent, either reduce them both to their simplest forms (which will be the same number if they're equivalent) or convert them to decimals (which will be the same number if they're equivalent). To make an equivalent fraction of a given fraction, multiply the numerator and the denominator of the given fraction by the same counting number.