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six and one fourth = 6.25

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Q: How do you change six and one fourth to a decimal?
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What is six and one fourth as a decimal?


What is six and one-fourth as a decimal?


What is six one over fourth in a decimal?

It is 6 + 4 = 10.

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Six and one-fourth as a decimal?

6 and 1/4 is equal to 6 + 0.25 (by dividing 1 by 4), or 6.25.

How do you write six and one hundredths as a decimal?

Six and one hundredth as a decimal is 6.01

What is six and one fourth times three eights?

6 and 1/4 times 3/8 = 75/32 or as a decimal 2.34375

What is six and one fourth as a mixed number?

Six and one fourth as a mixed number = 61/4

What is the answer when you change six and one over five into a decimal?

6+1/5 6+.2 6.2

How do you change six ninth into a decimal?

Six divided by nine = 0.6666 repeating

How many decimal places to the right do you move the decimal point to change square kilometer to square meter?

You move six decimal places

How do you write six and one tenth in decimal form?

Six and one tenth in decimal form is 6.1.