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Q: What is six twenty fourth as a decimal?
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What is one twenty fourth as a decimal?


What is the decimal number for six and twenty-three twenty-fifths?

The decimal number for six and twenty-three twenty-fifths is 6.92

How do you write twenty and six hundredths in decimal?

Twenty and six hundredths is 20.06

How do you change six and one fourth to a decimal?

six and one fourth = 6.25

What is six twenty-fifths as a decimal?

Expressed as a decimal fraction, 6/25 is equal to 0.24.six twenty fifths as a decimal = 0.24

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What is the decimal for twenty-six hundredths?


What is six and one fourth as a decimal?


What is six twenty four as a decimal?

If you meant six twenty fourths then the answer is 6.24If you meant 6/24 then the answer is .25

How can you tell twenty six-hundreds is greater than one-fourth?

You can either convert to a common denominator, or convert everything to decimal. The latter is especially easy if you have a calculator.

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